Frequently asked Questions

General FAQ's

Can I use Form Presenter if I have a Gmail account?

Yes, you can use from Gmail account or G Suite accounts.

presenter.jivrus.com is a web service to present the forms with time, audience, action and presentation controls. It also allows publishers to view all their previously published forms.

Do published forms ever expire or become inaccessible?

Yes, if you have set a specific time window for keeping the form available. After the window, the forms will show a message that it is closed. You can reconfigure to extend/ change the window time and republish it.

If you choose the form to be available always, the form will be available always.

Read more at the Time Controls feature.

May I know where all the submitted data is stored?

Google Forms store the responses within Google Forms and in destination spreadsheets if you have configured to store it. Form Presenter stores only the configuration and analytics information in Form Presenter server. All the transaction (form responses) are stored within GSuite/ Google Drive.

Why Form Presenter does not allow upload files via the Google form?

Form Presenter uses an iframe to embed & present the Google Form. The file upload has a sign-in requirement and the authentication redirect cannot happen inside an iframe for security reasons. Hence Google is not allowing file upload inside Form Presenter.

So Form Presenter can't support file uploading currently.  

How do I resolve the error "Error while publishing the form. The value of property 'description' is longer than 1500 bytes"?.

There is a restriction on the length of the paragraph you write under the "Description" area of your Google Form. It is fixed up to 1500 characters/letters. If you write a paragraph with more than 1500 characters/bytes/letters, then "Form Presenter" will raise an error mentioning that "Error while publishing the form. The value of property 'description' is longer than 1500 bytes". 

To resolve this type of error, you need to ensure that the "Description" of your Google Form is 1500 letters or less. Once you have updated this in the Google Form, you can try again with Form Presenter.

Quota and License

What is meant by quota in Form presenter?

Quota refers to the maximum number of tests (successful start of tests) allowed for a particular pricing plan through Form Presenter.

How quota is calculated in Form presenter?

Quota is based on number of tests started by using Form Presenter.  The tests are calculated by counting starting of tests (click of start button) through Form Presenter.

Learn more at Pricing

How do I check my current usage?
How do I check my remaining quota

You can check your current usage and remaining quota under Account section in Form Presenter

Menu > Account ==> You will see the account screen 

How Monthly Plan usage calculation will work?

Example: In the picture usage you have two active balances (Sep 30 to Oct 30) and (Oct 2 to Nov 2) both are valid. 

In this case Form Presenter will pick the test for Sep 30 to Oct 30 package. If you didn't use the balance up to Oct 30 that balance will be expired. Form Presenter will reduce the balance tests from new pack. 

How Yearly Plan usage calculation will work?

I see the quota is for a month. When does my quota reset?

Applicable For Yearly plan only

The quota resets 1st of every month (applicable only for paid plans) irrespective of the subscription/ renewal cycle of individual user. If you want more quota within the calendar month, you need to upgrade to a higher plan.

For monthly plans, there is no quota reset on 1st of every month.

I have used the quota of my current plan but need to do more tests. What to do?

For Monthly plan

There are two options:

For PayPal Users:

For Stripe Users.

Example: If you are in Pro currently and you need more tests, you are buying Business plan you will get 10000 balance in your account immediately.

For Stripe users: 

Note: Top-up option is only for the Stripe payment method. PayPal users can cancel the subscription from PayPal and purchase a subscription by Stripe if a top-up is required.

Example: If you are in Pro currently and you need more tests, you are buying the same Pro plan you will get an additional 5000 balance in your account immediately.

For Yearly plan 

You can do one of the following


Does my plan get renewed automatically?


May I know why I'm getting "Invalid Submission Tracking ID Error Details: The field 'Submission Tracking ID - DO NOT CHANGE' in the Google Form is removed or changed by the form audience" email?

Form Presenter uses 'Submission Tracking ID - DO NOT CHANGE' field in the Google Form to track the audience submission details. Form Presenter will apply a unique ID to this field to track the submission. Any change in this will make your submission void.

When you face this issue, do the following to resolve it:

Form Publisher (Author of the form) should check follows:

Instructions for Audience (Form submitter) side:

I am seeing "Cookies are not enabled in your browser. Please allow cookies and login again". How do I enable cookies?

It may be that your browser is blocking third party cookies. To sign in using your Google Account on a browser (like Chrome or Safari), you need to turn on cookies if you haven't already turned it on. From Presenter requires Google Sign in if it is enforced in audience control and hence you need to enable cookies in your browser.

Follow the instructions to turn cookies on.

Why am I seeing a blank page when I browse the test?

Why is the audience dashboard not loading? It just shows a blank page.

This could be a cache issue.
Please do a hard-refresh of your browser by pressing Ctrl + Shift + R (windows) or Cmd + Shift + R (mac)
This shall clear your cache and load the app smoothly in your browser.

Why am I seeing the message "This Google Form is not yet published. Please publish it first, then proceed with Form Presenter" when publishing Form Presenter?

Understanding the Change

Google Workspace has introduced new permissions that allow form creators to specify who can respond to their Google Forms. While this update enhances control over data collection, it also requires additional steps to make forms publicly accessible. You can find more details in Google’s official announcement

What You Need to Do

To proceed with Form Presenter, follow these steps:

By completing these steps, you can avoid unnecessary issues when publishing your form.

Why am I seeing "We're Sorry your document is not published" on the published form?

This is an issue with Google Forms, where you have to publish the Google Form by enabling "Accepting Responses" and modifying the "Responders".
Please see the below screenshot to resolve the issue.

Can I setup timezone in Form Presenter?

Yes, You can setup timezone in Form presenter. Also Form Presenter will automatically identify your timezone or by clicking the "Guess My Timezone" icon.

Can I set a break time between assessment?

Yes, You can setup break timer between assessment.

Can I set a specific time window for my form to be accessible?

Yes, You can setup specific time window.

Can I set a timer per each question?

No, The timer is related to the whole form and cannot be enabled per sections or separate questions. 

Can the Google Form be automatically submitted after user is timed-out?

No, This is not possible due to a) Google Form does not support this b) There could be mandatory questions that are not answered. 

However, to ease this situation, Form Presenter is providing "Alert" feature that alerts form submitter before a predefined time. This can be configured in Form Presenter setup. Please see Time Controls for details.

Can I enforce my form user to sign in with Google to access my form?

Yes, You can enforce login by form users

Can I allow only particular domains or emails for attending the assessment?

Yes, You can restrict a particular domains or emails for attending the assessment.

Can I track Live audience profiles?

Yes, you can track audience profiles live. You can track how many breaks taken, when the form is submitted etc..

Is it possible to restrict the maximum number of attempts in Form submission?

Yes, this is possible. You can restrict the maximum number of Form submission.

Can I track if any of my student tries to switch tab while attending the assessment?

Yes, you can track tab changes with in and out timings. For this Enforce Login should be enabled during configuration.

Is it possible to track Full screen exit in and out timings of my students during assessment?

Yes this is possible. For this you need to enable Track Full Screen option during configuration.

I am getting an error "Your camera/Microphone is blocked".  How do I correct and proceed?

How do I enable camera permission? 

It could be that the camera/microphone permissions have been blocked on the browser. You need to enable it manually to open the camera or access the microphone in the browser.

To enable camera/microphone permissions on Chrome:

For more details check google documentation